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Hiatal Hernia

A hernia is a protrusion of part of an organ through the muscle wall that surrounds it. A hiatal hernia occurs when the upper part of the stomach pushes up into the chest through a small opening (called the hiatus) in the diaphragm, the muscle that separates the abdomen from the chest.

Most of the time, a hiatal hernia is small enough not to cause any symptoms and you may never know you have one. However, if your hiatal hernia is large enough, the opening in the diaphragm increases, allowing more of your stomach and sometimes other organs to slide into your chest. Sometimes, the hernia squeezes your stomach, causing restriction and discomfort. The stomach may rotate and twist as well. This results in the retention of acid, which can easily back up into your esophagus, causing gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), heartburn, chest pain, swallowing problems, and breathing problems.

Types of Hiatal Hernias

Hernias are referred to by various names including hiatal hernia, paraesophageal hernia, and the rarest, diaphragmatic hernia.

Hernias are also categorized by their size and configuration. The vast majority are called Type I, or sliding Hiatal hernias. In this type of hernia, the stomach intermittently slides up into the chest through a small opening in the diaphragm.

Types II, III, and IV hernias are called paraesophageal hernias, which happen when a portion of the stomach pushes up into the chest adjacent to the esophagus. These hernias are much less common, but more concerning because the blood supply to the stomach can be threatened and symptoms tend to be more severe.

Risk Factors for Hiatal Hernias

The cause of hernias is unknown. Men and women of all ages can develop a hernia, but possible triggers include the following:

  • Older than 50,
  • Pregnancy,
  • Obesity,

Persistent pressure on the muscles of the hiatus caused by:

  • Coughing
  • Vomiting
  • Straining while having a bowel movement
  • Sudden physical exertion
  • Lifting heavy objects
Symptoms of Hiatal Hernias

Most of the time, a hernia does not cause symptoms but when it does they include:

  • Heartburn,
  • Belching,
  • Nausea,
  • Vomiting,
  • Regurgitation or backflow of stomach contents into the esophagus.

More severe symptoms are usually associated with a paraesophageal hernia. Those signs and symptoms include:

  • Intermittent difficulty swallowing, especially solid foods,
  • Feeling full after eating only a small amount of food,
  • Abdominal or chest pain,
  • Difficulty breathing after meals or increased shortness of breath.
  • Voice changes

Abdominal bleeding, the signs of which can be:

  • Bright red blood in vomit
  • Dark red or black stools
  • Anemia
  • Blood test showing there is blood loss

Patients with paraesophageal hernias may have a significant portion of their stomach or other abdominal organs push up into their chest. In severe cases, the stomach or abdominal organs may rotate or twist, causing severe pain. This is a medical emergency and will likely require immediate surgery.

Diagnosis of Hiatal Hernias

After a careful medical exam and taking your medical history, your board-certified thoracic surgeon may order one or more of the following tests to determine the cause of your symptoms:

  • Chest X-ray, electromagnetic energy produces images of internal tissues, bones and organs.
  • Chest CT-scan, a series of detailed pictures inside of the body, taken from different angles by a computer linked to an X-ray machine. A dye may be injected into a vein or swallowed to help the organs or tissues show up more clearly.
  • Upper Endoscopy (EGD), an endoscope is inserted through the mouth and into the esophagus allowing the surgeon to see the lining of the esophagus and remove a tissue sample (a biopsy), which is examined in a laboratory.
  • Barium Swallow/Upper GI study involves X-ray pictures of the esophagus and stomach after you have swallowed a small amount of contrast material. If a patient complains of trouble swallowing, a barium swallow may be helpful in identifying areas of narrowing called strictures.
Treatment for Hiatal Hernias

Hernias can often be monitored regularly. However, treatment may be necessary if the hernia is:

  • In danger of becoming strangulated (twisted in a way that cuts off blood supply to the stomach,
  • Complicated by severe gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD),
  • Complicated by esophagitis (inflammation of the esophagus),
  • Causing chronic anemia or a need for blood transfusions,
  • Causing recurrent pneumonia or infection,
  • Causing pain or inability to vomit.
Treatments may include:
  • Medication to neutralize stomach acid, decrease stomach acid, or improve stomach motility.
What You Should Expect ?
  • Multidisciplinary Care
  • Minimally Invasive Surgery

Laparoscopic surgery to reduce the size of the hernia or to prevent strangulation by closing the opening in the diaphragm. We perform laparoscopic operations by inserting a small video camera into the abdomen and viewing the procedure on a monitor, giving them better visualization and access. A fundoplication is performed in addition to reducing the hernia to help decrease acid and fluid from coming up from the stomach after the hernia is repaired. Fundoplication is usually performed as a laparoscopic procedure.


# Your Trusted Surgeons for Lasting Relief

Expert Hiatal Hernia Treatment in Dubai:

Hiatal hernias can be a source of persistent discomfort and health issues if left untreated. For those seeking effective solutions, our team of top Hiatal Hernia surgeons in Dubai offers specialized care tailored to your needs. Whether you're experiencing mild symptoms or severe complications, we provide comprehensive Hiatal Hernia treatment in Dubai that ensures long-term health and well-being.


Understanding Hiatal Hernia: What You Need to Know

A hiatal hernia occurs when the upper part of your stomach pushes through the diaphragm into your chest cavity. This condition can lead to various symptoms, including acid reflux, heartburn, chest pain, and difficulty swallowing. While some cases may be managed with lifestyle changes and medication, others require surgical intervention to correct the hernia and prevent complications. At Dr. Ali's clinic, we focus on offering personalized Hiatal Hernia surgery in Dubai to ensure optimal patient outcomes.

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Why Choose Our Hiatal Hernia Surgeons in Dubai?

Choosing the right surgeon is critical for a successful outcome when dealing with a hiatal hernia. Our team of Hiatal Hernia surgeons in Dubai is renowned for their expertise and experience. Dr. Ali and his colleagues specialize in minimally invasive techniques that reduce recovery time and enhance results. Here’s what sets our surgeons apart:

Comprehensive Hiatal Hernia Treatment in Dubai

Our approach to Hiatal Hernia treatment in Dubai is holistic, addressing the root causes of your symptoms and ensuring that your recovery is smooth and sustainable. Whether you need lifestyle recommendations, medication management, or surgery, we are committed to delivering the highest standard of care.

Diagnosis and Assessment

State-of-the-Art Diagnostic Tools: Accurate diagnosis is the first step in effective treatment. We use cutting-edge imaging and diagnostic techniques to confirm the presence and severity of a hiatal hernia.
Individualized Treatment Plans: Each patient's condition is unique, and so is our treatment approach. We tailor our care to meet your specific needs, whether that involves medication, dietary changes, or surgery.

Hiatal Hernia Surgery in Dubai

Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication: This minimally invasive surgery involves wrapping the upper part of the stomach around the lower esophagus, which strengthens the valve between the esophagus and stomach, preventing acid reflux.
Hiatal Hernia Repair: In more severe cases, our surgeons may repair the hernia by pulling the stomach back into the abdomen and tightening the diaphragm's opening to prevent future hernias.

Non-Surgical Treatment Options

Lifestyle Modifications: For mild cases, dietary changes, weight management, and avoiding certain foods can significantly reduce symptoms.
Medication: We prescribe effectivemedications to control acid reflux and reduce stomach acid, providing relief from heartburn and other symptoms.

Post-Surgery Care and Recovery

Comprehensive Follow-Up: After surgery, our team provides detailed aftercare instructions and monitors your recovery to ensure long-term success.
Rehabilitation and Support: We offer guidance on dietary changes, exercise, and lifestyle modifications that can help prevent recurrence and improve your quality of life.

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